2023 Session & Presenter Info

2023 Keynote Speaker: Yuyi Morales (Livestream)

• 9:15 AM-9:45 AM PDT, Neil Morgan Auditorium (1F)


Yuyi Morales was born in Xalapa, Mexico, the city of flowers and springs. After migrating to the US in 1994, she struggled with English and loneliness in a culture foreign to her but found solace in public libraries, where she read children’s books with her son and discovered a renewed interest in stories and art. She is now the author and illustrator of many books for children, including the New York Times bestseller Dreamers, and her most recent book, Bright Star.

She is also a seven-time winner of the Pura Belpré Medal for an outstanding work of literature for children that best portrays, affirms, and celebrates the Latino cultural experience. Other honors include the Americas Award, the Golden Kite Medal, the Christopher Award, the Jane Adams Award, and the Tomas Rivera Award. In 2015 she received the Caldecott Honor for her book Viva Frida.

Livestream: 9:15 – 9:45 AM PDT

Featured Community Speaker: Juan Angel Reynoso (Livestream)

• 12:45 PM-1:15 PM PDT, Shiley Special Events Suite (9F)

Slide Deck (Eng.)

Juan Angel Reynoso; “nemuuly” (Bear) is Ipai-Kumeyaay from the San Pasqual Band of Kumeyaay Indians; the original stewards of present day San Diego County, CA. A 2Spirit Storyteller, Advocate, Teacher, Public Speaker, and Culturally-Trauma-Responsive practitioner, Juan’s personal work centers the experiences of Indigenous/Queer Kin and their perspectives within Native country; past, present, and future. Juan describes his purpose as weaving together the threads of traditional knowledge to the present, indigenizing practices and passionately supporting individuals on their own journeys towards reconnection and self-discovery.

Juan holds an MA in Teaching & Learning from UC San Diego, a BS degree in American Sign Language & English Interpretation from William Woods University, and dual CA teaching credentials. A lifelong seeker of knowledge and inquiry, Juan still holds fond memories of visiting San Diego County Public libraries from childhood. He recalls weekly visits to the Escondido public library with his mom and sister…. The smell of old books still reside in his memory as some of the earliest pathways into the world of literature and story.

Livestream: 12:45 – 1:15 PM PDT

[Session 1A] From EDI to Squid Games: Creating Cultural Programs that Celebrate Immigrant Communities

• Presenters: Ann Ban; Jennifer Jenkins; Azalea Ebbay – San Diego Public Library

• 10:00 AM-10:45 PM – Shiley Special Events Suite (9F)

 Slide Deck (Eng.) | Diapositivas (Esp.)

San Diego Public Library hosted Korean American Heritage Celebrations in 2022 and 2023 and a Kimchi Day Celebration event in 2022, which attracted 665 participants. During the events, attendees learned about Korean culture and heritage, discovered Korean art forms, learned how to make Korean foods, and engaged in traditional interactive activities. The programs stemmed from the library’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee’s commitment to monthly cultural programming and mission to foster learning and growth of cultural awareness and inclusion.

With funding support from a community partner, the Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles, the success of the programs warranted a demand for an annual Korean American Heritage celebration in the community.

[Session 1B] ¡Canta Conmigo!: Learn 10 New Songs for Bilingual Storytime (Livestream)

Presenter: Sheridan Cázares, Early Literacy/Reading Program Specialist – Long Beach Public Library

10:00 AM-10:45 PMShiley Special Events Suite (9F)

Slide Deck (Bil.)

Join Sheridan Jay Cazarez, Early Literacy Specialist at the Long Beach Public Library, to learn 10 new originally translated songs and rhymes for bilingual storytime. Content will include rhymes, fingerplays, action songs, and songs to use with manipulatives such as rhythm sticks, scarves, and egg shakers. He will lead you through each song, and provide handouts that lay out how he approached each translation, and lyrics to each song and rhyme.

Livestream: 10:00 – 10:45 AM PDT

[Session 2A] Fact or Fiction: Combating the Spanish-Language Disinformation Crisis

• Presenters: Katia Graham, Ady Huertas, José Ysea – San Diego Public Library

• 11:00 AM-11:45 PM – Shiley Special Events Suite (9F)

• Slide Deck (Eng.) | Diapositivas (Esp.)

The San Diego Public Library, along with the Association of Hispanic Journalists, presented a series of panels in Spanish designed to take into account the disinformation crisis in the Spanish language.

Each panel presented:
1) The Spanish-language disinformation problem on various platforms;
2) The danger that this news can bring; and
3) Tools to distinguish quality news and reliable sources.

This presentation seeks to share what we have learned from this initiative.

[Session 2B] Cookbooks and Community: The Truckee Library Latino Cookbook Project (Livestream)

• Presenters: Xenia Dieter & Rotha Carlson – Nevada County Library

• 11:00 AM-11:45 PM – Neil Morgan Auditorium (1F)

• Slide Deck (Eng.) | Diapositivas (Esp.)

In our Library & Community Partner presentation, we will describe the Truckee Library Latino Cookbook project, a cookbook of recipes from 20 contributors of the Latino community. The project was born from the desire to strengthen our relationship with our area’s Latino community. It was successful in drawing in our Spanish-speaking community and served to inform this group of people that the library is also available for them. 

A major contributor to this project’s success resulted from the strong community partnership we have with a member of Kidzone Museum’s Advocacy Staff, who focuses on early literacy efforts in the Truckee area. This staff member was a major “voice” in connecting the Latino community with the Cookbook and the library. We recognize the importance and power in community partnerships when trying to bring in our area’s Spanish-speakers who don’t utilize library resources regularly.


[Session 3A] ¿Juegos de mesa dentro de una biblioteca académica?

Presenter: Johan Alejandro Cereceres Gómez – UNAM

1:30 PM-2:15 PMClark Conference Center (1F)

Diapositivas (Esp.)

El tema principal de la presentación gira alrededor de los juegos de mesa, cómo encajan éstos en la era de la modernización actual, la popularidad con la que han crecido, la ventaja de jugarlos, la alegría de convivir haciendo uso de ellos, y por supuesto: lo novedoso y benéfico que resultan ser, al introducirlos a una biblioteca poniendo como ejemplo la Biblioteca académica del CICESE y lo que se ha estado organizando dentro de ésta, con la participación de aproximadamente el 12% de usuarios cada semana.

[Session 3B] Cómo las bibliotecas públicas actuamos durante la pandemia y post COVID-19 (Livestream)

Presenter: Rosa María González Toledo – Biblioteca pública Josefina Rendón Parra

1:30 PM-2:15 PMShiley Special Events Suite (9F)

Slide Deck (Bil.)

En esta presentación, narraré los hechos que se presentaron en las bibliotecas públicas durante la pandemia, y del esfuerzo colectivo los bibliotecarios de la ciudad de Tijuana.

Empezamos a tener juntas virtuales, sin tener equipos adecuados, ni telefonía moderna para estas actividades. Fuimos resolviendo paso a paso nuestras dificultades técnicas y subir la moral, no solo del personal sino de la población que a través de las redes sociales podíamos alcanzar, ya que nuestro trabajo permitía mantener a la población informada y entretenida, ofreciendo espectáculos y cuentos que contrarrestaban, más allá de las noticias devastadoras que el mundo vivía, buscamos dar alivio a la incertidumbre y al aislamiento de muchas familias.

Y como si viniéramos de una guerra, reiniciamos actividades, y cual heroicos cuerpos de rescate nos dimos a la tarea de buscar a nuestros lectores y junto a ellos sanar las heridas que nos había dejado el COVID 19.

Livestream: 1:30 – 2:15 PDT